Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America Vol II, Part 1, Chap 1-11 Essay

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America Vol II, Part 1, Chap 1-11 - Essay Example Alexis believes that the doctrines and methods of Descartes, Luther and Voltaire are applied best in America (Gutenberg). Although Americans are more liberal in thought and practice yet Christianity holds a mystical power; with politics or laws not affecting change on the religious beliefs (Gradesaver). Alexis regards that Americans are deep rooted in their ideology because they have not gone through any democratic revolution, thus no major shift in their ideological concepts has resulted (Tocqueville). Alexis says that societies only prosper when they have thoughts, ideas and actions that they have in common, and commonalities result from common belief systems and not following individual paths (Gradesaver). Tocqueville suggests that man does not have enough time to define and explain all the truths on his own and thus has to believe already established truths, which have either been established by people of superior intellect or by societies (Gutenberg). He thinks that every man’s intellect complies with the higher authority to a varying degree; no mind can be completely independent and free of all authority (Gradesaver). American people are more apt to believe in religion due to the majority of society believing in it, as the majority of people are believed to have equal capability of believing the truth thus; religion finds its strength based in public opinion (Tocqueville). Alexis believes that the tendency of American people to investigate every truth independently; unconsciously leads them to reverting to the behavior and attitudes of mankind and thus a generalization of views emerges (Tocqueville). Americans believe in equality which gives birth to generalization; the English are more inclined towards an aristocratic way of life, thus leading to particularity and negating individuality (Gutenberg). On the other hand, according to Tocqueville, Americans do not revert to

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