Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Marketing Management - Assignment Example theless, applying a simple but effective strategy before facing a competitor usually gives businesses first hand advantage even before the real battle starts From the story of the warrior and the lion, I have learned that victory is not always for the strongest. All that one needs is to spot a target, stand at a safe distance and make the attack. In relation to business and competition, we can say that it is not necessary that we use lots energy in fighting our competitors; in contrast, we should develop effective strategies that can help finish the competitors at only one strike. The only thing that marketer should ensure a better marketing strategy. Moreover, competition is important because it leads to improved quality product and better services. This is due to the fact that all the business will be competing to remain relevant and not to made exit. It also protects the public being manipulated with sole businesspersons who have selfish stakes. As a result, both the economy and the quality of product will continue to improve making business more` effective and efficient (Viardot 70). Conclusively, applying a simple but effective strategy before facing a competitor usually gives businesses first hand advantage even before the real battle starts. From the short story of the lion and the warrior, we can conclude that one does not need to apply a lot of energy but just use tactics that can paralyses competitor (Viardot 40). Therefore, for continued existence of a business, it must ensure that it develops effective strategies that can act as shortcuts and tam their

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